Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thinking on New Year's Goals

On January 1, 2011, I made a goal to learn to coupon.  I was pregnant and already overweight, and setting yet another weight loss goal seemed pointless at the moment.  I made it almost the entire year couponing, and while I have slowed in my pursuit of massive savings, I am renewing the goal for 2012.  Hopefully the coupons and sales will align again as they did at the beginning of this current year.  Right now?  They are not aligning well at all.  It's rather defeating, actually.

Thinking of New Year's goals got me thinking of my long lost goals from years ago...

Back in the dark ages of 1998, I set a goal to give up red meat.  I kept that goal going until the summer of 2001 when, as a youth ministry intern, I realized that not eating the food the ladies of the church made for us was rude- red meat and all.  After months of diarrhea and overall yuckiness, my body adjusted to where I could eat red meat without wishing for death.

During the third year with no red meat, my body shifted.  Literally.  I dropped 45 pounds without trying.  In fact, I couldn't figure out where the weight was falling from!  I would bake an entire package of Toll House break and bake cookies, eat them ALL, and still drop five pounds for the week.  It was insane.  And glorious.  I'm not going to lie.

For 2012, I plan to cease on red meat for the second time in my life.  Not because of the 45 pound drop, although that would be awesome.  But because of the way I felt during those years.  I had energy.  I exercised and liked it.  I felt good.  I think I looked pretty good, too!  I want that back.

Now, I know you're thinking that I was 19 when I gave up the red meat, so of course I had energy.  Of course I looked and felt good.  Even at 32, I think it's a healthy and honorable goal.  I want to feel an increase in energy.  I want like how I feel at 9 pm, instead of drooling on myself like a 77 year old woman.

This goal is one my husband supports, too.  In fact, as we discussed the goal tonight over dinner, he stated that he thinks it would be healthier for all of to cut the red meat back.  I love my husband.

So I ask, what goals do you have for the new year?  What would you like to accomplish to make yourself a better and well-rounded person?

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