Monday, February 7, 2011

Walking on Sunshine

This alien in my tummy, aptly referred to as Baby Sunshine, is not scheduled to arrive until mid-June. So, what's a girl to do with all her baby coupons this far out?!?!?! Convince her (wonderful, supportive, caring) husband that shopping now would be beneficial!!

We have a separate budget for baby items, so whatever I buy until that money is spent is separate from my grocery budget. This makes me happy. I've begun to stockpile baby items.

On Saturday, I went to Publix to buy Enfamil. I bought 4 Newborn cans and then 3 Infant refill boxes. The refill boxes are pretty great because they are the equivalence of two cans of formula, but instead of doubling the price (from $25 to $50) they were $32. AWESOME!

Here's the way it came out:

4 Newborns @ $25 each= $100
3 Infant refills @ $32 each= $96
7 $8/1 coupons (Publix Q's)= -$56
10 $2/1 coupons (from Enfamil)= -$20

Before you think I'm the devil, I honestly did not mean to hand the cashier all 10 of those Enfamil coupons. However, he took them, and I didn't realize until I was home that he had scanned them all. Not that I regret the extra savings...

The math:

100 + 96= 196 - 56= 140 - 20= 120!!!

My receipt (after all that fun tax business) says that I spent $134.36 and saved $76.

I know that's not a staggering savings, but formula is rarely on sale, and I couldn't pass it up! My favorite was when the manager asked me if the Publix coupons were real. Know your circulars, dude. Of course they are real!!!

Then today I dragged my sick son and my sick self out to Target because, honestly, I was tired of being trapped in the house.

I bought 6 boxes of Swaddlers at $36 each. Three boxes had 180 diapers and three boxes had 160. That totals 1020 diapers, or as I like to refer to them, three weeks worth. Just kidding. Mostly...
I also bought 6 boxes of Pampers wipes. Four boxes had 504 wipes and the other two had 480. That totals 2976 wipes.
I had Target coupons $7/1 set of diapers and wipes (there was a number minimum- 480 wipes, 160 diapers), and then I had a manufacturer's Q for $2/1 set.

I spent $260 for all of that!

Normally, in the past when I wasn't with it enough to buy bulk with coupons, I would buy 40 diapers for around $12. The wipes I bought were normally 400 for $13. Let's do some math...

$12/40= $.30 per diaper. That means that today, on average, I would have paid $306 for the diapers alone. $13/400= $.03 per wipe. Normally, my wipes would have cost me about $89. That would bring my average diapers and wipes purchase of the same quantity to $395 giving me an estimated savings of $135. That, my friends, is a good buy!

Here are some pictures of the baby items safely stowed away in my stockpile!

1 comment:

Kristina Parnell said...

i am so glad i talked you into blogging about all of this. your savings are really awesome. we generally spend a quarter a diaper - such a rip off!!!