Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holidays at the Wilson Manor

This year, as Christmas approaches, I am taking great delight in reading Holiday Letters from families we know. Some are online in blogs similar to this one.  Some come in Christmas cards.  Some are of people I don't even know but were shared by friends who cannot keep the fun to themselves.  Those are some of my favorite.  So here are two sample family letters from my family- The Wilsons.  Enjoy!

Dear friends and family,
This year has been such a wonderful year for us!  We added a new family member, another graduate degree, and met individual goals that we are so proud of.
This year, Nick, ran the Music City Half Marathon with a gusto unmatched by other racers.  He crossed the finish line triumphant in his goal!  He was met at the end by his pregnant, yet still trophy, wife who adoringly kissed his sweaty face as he spun her in the crowd.  Look for a similar scene in an upcoming movie.  They totally stole it from us.
This year, Allie turned six, and she is kicking butt in the first grade.  She's reading at a higher level than everyone else in her grade.  She's already doing long division.  And her latest project is an attempt to split an atom using only a LalaLoopsy doll and a toothbrush.  She's totally going to do it, too.  Only a matter of time.
This year, Elijah turned four, and he is already operating at a higher intelligence level.  I mean, WAY advanced.  He has applied to the doctoral program at Harvard for his paleontologist degree, and he will complete his masters this spring.
Our new addition, Maya Noelle, arrived in June, and she is amazing.  She slept through the night at one week and never looked back.  At only six months old, she is able to change her own diapers and self-feed.  At night, IF she wakes, she mixes her own bottle and then puts herself back to sleep.  If only my other two were as awesome as her...
This year I completed yet another graduate degree putting me ahead of Nick by ONE!  Eat it, Wilson!  AND I gave birth as I presented my thesis.  Still nailed it!  I am now working with underprivileged kids who have special needs in the inner ghettos of our great city.  While learning to shoot a pistol for protection was a bit unnerving, I have yet to be attacked where I didn't defeat the bandit with only one bullet and a high heel.

Well, that's it for us!  May trite sayings and empty wisdom brighten your dull and sad lives this holiday season.

The Wilsons

Okay, okay, totally false.  I know, you saw right through that.  Just as we see through the other ridiculous letters each season.  But hey, it was fun!  And there were bits of truth in there.  You know- the whole trophy wife thing?  ;)

Having said that, here's an actual year's update for the Wilsons-

2011 was a wonderful year for our family.  We added Maya Noelle to our family roster, and we love her.  She is, by far, the best thing that happened to us as a family this year!

As individuals, we did have some pretty cool things going on.  Here's a brief recap:

Nick did actually finish the Music City Half last April.  We were really proud of him.  At the end of his training, he has a knee injury, but he still finished the race, which I think is amazing.  Thank God for ice packs, though!  It was an interesting recovery after he was finished.
Nick has also been working on his Ed.S. at MTSU this year.  He's a really good student, and he's done really well so far.  He will finish in April of 2012.
One of my favorite things that Nick did this year was paint our house.  Maya's room is pink, Allie and Elijah's room is orange, our room is a golden/tan color that matches perfectly with our furnishings, and the rest of the downstairs is our favorite peachy color.  As we have customized our house to our liking, it's become a home to our family.  We love it here.

I did actually complete my MA in Special Ed, and while I wasn't pregnant when I presented my thesis, I was only about 3 weeks past delivery.  I was so happy to be finished with that program.  There were parts that I really enjoyed, but it was too much for me, being pregnant, working, and all.
I started couponing this year, and with my savings and budget cuts added together, I saved over $12,000 this year.  That's pretty cool!

Allie really is in first grade, and she is doing great.  While she is learning and doing wonderful in her studies, the thing I am most proud of is her heart.  She is a kind and warm person in her classroom, and I often hear from her teacher that she a bright spot in the room.  LOVE her heart!  She is a gentle and attentive big sister to Maya.  They are a match made in heaven.
Allie is a Daisy scout, and she is working on earning badges and selling cookies (as of Dec 24!).  She really likes scouting, but her leader is a bit weird.  (It's me...)

Elijah is our four year old wonder boy.  Truly.  He is so smart.  He's the kind of kid that would actually be true in the family newsletter.  I had to really exaggerate on his section...
He LOVES dinosaurs and has self-taught himself the types of dinos, what they eat, whether they are omnivores, etc..., what region they were discovered, what period they lived in...  I can't wait to see what he capable of once he begins formally learning.
He has a kind, but mischievous, spirit that I love.  Yes, I did find him pooping at our mailbox... not our finest hour.  But he also gives loving kisses and loves including people in his little world.  Such a funny little fella!  So far, he is our wild card child!

Maya was born on June 23, and she is a happy, loving baby.  She smiles constantly and enjoys playing with her sister.  I can't wait to see how she grows and what her personality is like as she ages.  Already, she is a joy.  And she looks JUST like Allie as a baby, so we know that she will be beautiful.

That's us.  We're normal, but still individual.  No better than any other family, but I think we're special.  There is a lot of love and laughter in our house, and there's no where else I'd rather be.  Our little family is wonderful.  Warts and all.

Happy Holidays,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it! Both versions. ;)