Sunday, January 8, 2012

Shaken' It Up- Organization Style!

When I was a child, my family used to move a lot.  Not "every five years" a lot.  More like "I lived in six houses in two years" a lot.  I'm 32.  Nick and I have lived in our current home for two years.  This is my 33rd house.  No joke.

So, needless to say, about every six months, I feel this overwhelming urge to move things around, clean, reorganize, and the like.  I have a few projects on my mental white board, and as I am working my way down the list, I have some really cool ideas.

First, I tackled my pantry.  Because we use that space multiple times a day, it easily gets out of sorts.  Lots of food groups- snacks being the most important to my oldest kiddos.  They want to be able to see what's available and reach what they want.  And I want that, too.  It seems they are always hungry the moment I am otherwise disposed in the bathroom...

Here's how it turned out:

I guess I was feeling froggy, because I then tackled my closet.  My closet is a nightmare!  Old clothes that I can't seem to part with (hoarding...), towels, and pillows, and blankets, oh my!  A new shelf, some new bins, a trash bag full of clothing to donate- and viola!

With the clothes from my dresser now stored in bins, we are ditching my dresser because it takes up so much space in our bedroom.  

Next stop- the shoes under my bed!  Scary!!!!

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