Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February Totals

Nick and I had nothing better to do tonight, so we sat down with our Excel spreadsheet titled: Extreme Couponing Log. We were curious to see our spendings and savings for the month of February. Each shopping trip gets entered into the spreadsheet, what I spent, what I saved, and then it calculates not only the percentage saved for that trip, but it calculates the percentage saved over all the spreadsheet- My husband is an Excel guru!

We also took the time to delve into our online banking account and calculate our grocery spendings for December. It was depressing and liberating at the same time. Oh yeah, I spent about $1200 in December. On groceries. Yikes...

In February, I spent... $590!!!! $10 below the new budget that Nick and I set up! I'm so proud of that. I'm also proud that I saved $800 during February!!! That gives me a savings of about 58% for the month from sales and coupons! As a comparison, I cut my December spendings by half. So beautiful!

We have not gone without anything this month. In fact, my stockpile has exploded to the point that Nick is now parking out in the driveway- The garage is the Holy Grail at our house. He must love me and believe in me to give up parking his car in there. My freezer is PACKED, we added another 4,000 lb capacity shelf, and I continue to find deals and bring home loads of groceries.

This month, I also made a donation of ten laundry detergents that I got for FREE. I have ten toothpastes that I also got for FREE that I plan to donate, too. Donating might be one of my most favorite side effects of couponing!

How did you guys do this month?

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