Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Notebook

Finally! I'm posting about this monstrosity of a notebook that I cart around every stinkin' grocery store. I gotta say, it rocks. If there's a coupon for it, chances are, it's in there. That said, I'm looking to upgrade to a 5" or 6". They're just so expensive!!!

It's huge. It really needs a nickname, but I haven't been creative enough to come up with one. Feel free to make suggestions.

The main thing about the notebook is, of course, the organization. I have twenty-five dividers in this sucker. TWENTY-FIVE. Below is my list. Some may be helpful to you, some may not. And while I know there are more than a few schools of thought on how to organize your notebook, this one works best for me.

-Formula/Baby food
-Cleaning supplies
-Laundry supplies
-Kitchen paper supplies
-TP and paper towels
-MISC- batteries, trash bags, etc
-Freezer items
-Fridge items
-Deli items
-Canned goods
-Boxed or instant foods
-Pain relief
-Cold relief
-Kids' meds
-Body wash/shampoo
-Feminine products
-MISC health

In the very front, I have a sleeve for restaurant coupons, which I didn't think fit into any of my categories.

What do you think? Decent system?

1 comment:

Beverly Bryan said...

I need to divide my binder into more sections. Right now, it is not as "user" friendly as it should be.