Friday, July 3, 2009

Thinner, huh?

So, yeah, I like to talk on the phone while I drive. You gotta a problem with that? Apparently, a lot of people do, so before they could make me an outlaw, I bought a fancy-schmancy blue-tooth gadget that attaches to my sun visor. It has a speaker and a microphone, so it’s really hands free. The only thing that would make it better is if I could simply clap three times, and it would speed-dial Nick for me. Oh, and, it would be better if it actually worked… yeah.

So I take it back, because I’m smart enough to have bought it at Best Buy. They credit my card and send me back to the automotive section to find a replacement. There are two options- another sleek one that costs the same as the original ($100-ish) or the sleek version’s fat cousin that costs about sixty dollars less. The salesman comes over to help me and we discuss the pros and cons of both models. Basically, it boils down to size. This one’s thin, this one’s fat.

Of course, he wants me to buy the sleek, thin one. So he talks it up. It can fit in my purse. It’s sexier. (Yeah, I know. I’m not attracted to blue-tooth speakers, either.) It’s thinner. I’m beginning to see a theme. You?

So I ask him, “Are you truly going to try to convince an overweight female that the thinner, sexier model is better? Really?”

Needless to say, I left with the fat cousin. Works great, thanks for asking!

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