Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Smart Mouth

My daughter is smart. I mean, really smart.

She always has been. At 18 months, she was replacing the t's in the little triangle game at Cracker Barrel. She was talking at 10 months, and she's known her letters and numbers for about a year. She's going to be four in September.

My son has his own "child genius" qualities (doesn't every mom see genius in her children?), but this post is about my girl, Allie.

She was about two years old when this happened- We were at Walmart (Home #2) here in Antioch. Yeah, it's a Walmart of nations. Yeah, even with my two children in tow, I'm still one of the mom's with the smallest litters. And yeah, I go there late at night, despite the crying and begging of my father. He even bought me a mace ring. But that's a story for another day.

So there we are, just me and Allie. Sitting in the kid seat of the cart. Chatting away. She went through an "I like..." phase about this time, and she was cheering on my choice of cart grabbings. "Mom, I like those carrots... I like Cherrios... I like those milks..." By the time we made it to the check out counter, she had probably commented on the zillion items we were buying. Leave it to me to raise a doting child.

There was a lady behind us, her cart overflowing as well, and I noticed that she was listening and smiling as Allie continued to chat about on little things she noticed. "He's a boy. I like M&M's. Mommy, I love you." The lady finally tapped me on the shoulder, smiling ear to ear. God bless her, she was missing teeth. Her hair was in cornrows, and I remember I wasn't impressed by her overall appearance, but who am I to judge? I was probably wearing pajama pants.

"You're little girl sure does talk good," she said. The lady was right on with her compliment.

"Yes, I do," Allie responded. "I speak very well."

I was embarrassed at the same time I couldn't help but feel proud. In accepting the woman's compliment, my two year old daughter had also corrected her English.

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